Thai National Parks

Khao Sok National Park

Visiting Khao Sok National Park

Khao Sok National Park and particuarly Cheow Lan Lake within, is one of Thailand’s most spectacular natural reserves, offers a unique blend of dense jungle, limestone cliffs and various attractions worth to visit.

When to visit Khao Sok

There is no straight forward answer about when to visit a national park in Thailand, not just Khao Sok National Park, but any. This depends on what opinion one have about the weather, various seasons, rain and various expectations such as wildlife sighting.

The forests in Thailand are often dry and dull during the dry seasons but easier to hike and see bigger mammals. During the rainy seasons, the forest is lush and feels alive, that's when one can experience the real jungle feeling.

Depending on your expectation and preferences, choosing the right time to visit Khao Sok can significantly enhance your experience. The park's climate can be broadly categorized into two main seasons:

Winter/dry seasons (November/December to April)

With November to January being the cooler winter months, the real dry season kicks at some point in February and peaks in April or early May. With less rainfall and clearer skies, the weather is ideal for trekking, wildlife spotting gets easier when it comes down to bigger mammals. Daytime temperatures range from 25°C to 30°C, making it pleasant for outdoor activities. During this period, the trails are more accessible but water levels at some waterfalls may be very low.

The main high season in Khao Sok National Park starts around mid-November until April, basically during the entire dry season. This period is not necessarily the best time to visit Khao Sok, but if rain is a concern, then it is!

Rainy season (May to October/November)

May and November months mark the transition between the dry and rainy seasons. During these months, you can expect occasional showers, but they are typically brief. May-June and September-October periods are the low seasons with much less tourist activity. The forest is lush, and the waterfalls and Sok River are often at their most spectacular.

July/August months are the second high season of the year with the park being very busy by the foreigner tourists.

Rainy season doesn't mean rain every day, sometimes not much of rain happens for weeks or a month. Then during certain periods there can be rain pretty much every day. During the rainy periods, rain often last no more than 20-60 minutes, and may happen a few times a day, often short sessions. If one is lucky, the rain may only happen during the night.

Some trails/attractions may be temporarily inaccessible or even closed for a longer time due to heavy rain. Some caves may have streams inside with strong currents, for security reasons these will be closed during the rainy seasons.

What to expect in the rainy season

When it comes down to rain forecast in Khao Sok National Park, the predictions are mostly unreliable. This because, the predictions are mostly for the nearby towns, not for the park itself. Rain or eventual storm in the nearby towns doesn't necessarily mean the same in the park, or the opposite, clear weather prediction in the nearby towns doesn't mean the same for the park park itself. Rain is quite often local, if it rains in a certain area of the park, it doesn't necessarily mean rain in all over the park.

Heavier storms may happen once or twice a year, often lasting only a few hours or a day. These storms too can't be predicted well for the parks by weather forecast sources. Most of these storms will be rough along the coast lines, by the time a storm reach midland where the park is, it tends to calm down a bit.

While the rainy season brings more frequent rainfall and sometimes heavier rain, it also offers a unique perspective of the park. The landscape becomes vividly green, and the flora and fauna are at their most vibrant. However, some trails may become muddy and slippery, and certain activities might be restricted due to weather conditions. Good to have shoes with good grip.

Despite these challenges, the rainy season offers a tranquil and intimate experience, with fewer tourists and a thriving ecosystem.

There will be insects/mosquitos along the trails however there are no mosquitos at floating resorts in the lake as the mosquitos will hold to the land. For this reason, there are no mosquito nets at these resorts.

How to Visit

Reaching Khao Sok National Park involves a bit of planning, but the journey is well worth it. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get there:

From Bangkok

By Air: The fastest way to reach Khao Sok from Bangkok is by flying to Surat Thani, Phuket, or Krabi. Surat Thani Airport is the best option, not only it is only an hour away from the lake, but it is also the cheapest flight option in the area. From any of these airports, you can take a bus or a taxi to Khao Sok. Surat Thani is the closest airport, about a 2-hour drive away.

By Train: You can take a night train from Bangkok to Surat Thani. The journey takes approximately 8-12 hours, depending on the train. From Surat Thani, you can take a bus or taxi to Khao Sok.

From Phuket, Krabi, or Surat Thani

By Bus: Regular buses and minivans run from Phuket, Krabi, and Surat Thani to Khao Sok. The journey typically takes 2-4 hours.

By Car: Renting a car provides the most flexibility. The drive offers scenic views and the opportunity to stop at various attractions along the way.

Within the Park

Once in Khao Sok, local transportation options include:

Taxis and Tuk-Tuks: For short distances, taxis and tuk-tuks are available, these can easily be arranged from hotels

Guided Tours: Many visitors opt for guided tours, which include transportation to and from various points of interest within the park.

Packing Tips for the Rainy Season

In conclusion, visiting Khao Sok National Park offers a diverse and enriching experience regardless of the season. Whether you choose the dry season for its pleasant weather and accessibility or the rainy season for its lush scenery and tranquility, Khao Sok promises an adventure filled with natural wonders and breathtaking beauty.

More about Khao Sok National Park