Guided tours in Khao Sok
Our local tour operators offer the following popular tours listed further below.
For the tours with multiple activities it is always possible to discuss with our guides alternative itineraries on tour start, i.e. more hiking, less water activities etc.
We are licensed by the Tourist Authority of Thailand, our T.A.T. license number can be found on the footer section of this website. Only authorized companies may offer tours in Thailand.
Private tours
2-days/1-night private tour on Cheow Lan Lake
Private Tour - Enjoy a 2D/1N tailored tour at a floating resort at Cheow Lan Lake to hike, kayak, swim, visit scenic rock formations, a viewpoint and a cave.
From 2,450 Baht and up (per person)
3-days/2-nights private tour on Cheow Lan Lake
Private Tour - Enjoy a 3D/2N tailored tour at a floating resort at Cheow Lan Lake to hike, kayak, swim, visit scenic rock formations, a viewpoint and a cave.
From 4,400 Baht and up (per person)